Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happly For iPad Helps Curious Kids Discover The Web?Safely

iPad_TOC_sizediPad guilt? There needs to be a technical term for that feeling in the pit of a parent's stomach that arises from handing over the iPad to their kids, only to watch them play brain rotting Outfit7 games or level after level of Angry Birds. Fortunately, some startups are focusing on developing more educational content for the iPad to help parents assuage some of their guilt over their kids' ever-increasing screen time. One such company is Daily Interactive, which is now launching Happly for iPad, a collection of original and curated content for kids, including online videos, games, and stories. And while the content may be deemed educational, the kids might not realize it, given the app's focus on topics kids love to explore, like dinosaurs, space, sports, animals, how to's and more.

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